Category: Health News
Created: 9/26/2008 2:00:00 AM
Last Editorial Review: 9/26/2008
What Is Holistic Medicine?
In TCM, the knowledge of how to use ancient medicine is what is old - not the age of the medicines themselves! TCM practitioners usually are schooled in acupuncture and the ancient medicine of herbs. Although it is true that animal parts are used in TCM, including parts of endangered animals, this practice is being stamped out. TCM now concentrates on acupuncture, herbs and exercise systems like tai chi. TCM is used to treat the whole person, not just a one body part.
In old China, doctors were only paid when you were feeling well, and weren't paid when you were sick. That was because doctors wee seen as those who could prevent illness rather than cure illness.
Ancient Medicine Helps Modern Patients
One of the Western doctors who champions a synthesis of ancient medicine with modern medicine is bestselling author Dr. Andrew Weil. He says in many of his writings that the human body has self healing potential untapped in the West. Although he urges people to go to an allopathic (conventional) doctor right away if they develop any sudden or drastic symptom, he also recommends holistic ancient medicine such as TCM to help get you healthy and keep you healthy.
For our ancestors, Nature was the supermarket, pharmacy and school. By observing Nature and making experiments with items found in Nature, our ancestors were able to find medicinal herbs to help cure their ailments. Unfortunately, most of these ancient medicine herbal systems have been lost to time or are being associated with black magic. Fortunately, a couple of the systems have survived and adapted to modern times. One of these systems is called Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM).
In holistic healing, a patient is seen as not a set of symptoms that need curing, but as an entire person. Yes, the symptoms still need relief, but maybe they could be prevented from recurring through lifestyle changes. A holistic doctor, such as a TCM practitioner, spends a lot more time getting to know their patients than an allopathic doctor. What you eat, how you exercise and how you handle stress are all taken into account to help you get better.
Holistic medicine is a drastically different method of healing than the allopathic way of healing that most Westerners are familiar with. With allopathic healing, you only go to the doctor when something is wrong and depend entirely on the doctor's bag of tricks to get you better.
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