Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Active Social Life May Reduce Men's Alzheimer's Risk

Title: Active Social Life May Reduce Men's Alzheimer's Risk
Category: Health News
Created: 9/27/2008 2:00:00 AM
Last Editorial Review: 9/29/2008

Cold Sore Treatment - 10 Simple Tips

I have benefited much from these simple tips. I hope they would help you too in your cold sore treatment.

2. Drape a cold compress such as ice wrapped with cloth over the cold sore. You will be surprised that this simple cold sore treatment offers much pain and itch relief.

7. Use painkillers like aspirin, paracetamol.

5. Keep your hands clean. Remember to wash them thoroughly after applying medication on the cold sores.

1. Apply acyclovir (take for instance over-the-counter Zovirax cold sore cream) on the cold sore immediately upon discovery of the symptoms. Do this for 5 times daily over the next 5 days. It would help to reduce the duration of the outbreak.

3. Take acetaminophen or ibuprofen.

Though cold sores tend to heal within 7 to 10 days without any cold sore treatment, the fact remains that the duration can seem like a lifetime to sufferers. The painful blisters that form on your skin, mostly on your lips could cause much discomfort and itch. It is common knowledge that cold sores are not curable, but there are various forms of cold sore treatment to minimize the discomfort and pain, and its infectious period.

10. Take sufficient rest, and keep your body hydrated. The simple truth remains that our body will naturally heal when well-rested.

Here I would like to share 10 simple tips to treat cold sores:

9. Apply a tea bag over the cold sores. Tannic acid, an antiviral agent that can be found in tea is effective for cold sore treatment.

6. Take herbal treatments such as antiseptics Tea Tree Oil and Sage,etc. Seek medical advice before attempting this cold sore treatment.

4. Avoid touching other parts of your body after contact with your cold sores. The herpes simplex virus is contagious and the last thing you want is to spread it.

acute sinusitis
acute sinusitis Infection
allergic sinusitis treaments
treatment methods for allergic sinusitis
acute sinusitis Infection

Older Problem Gamblers Face Increased Suicide Risk

Title: Older Problem Gamblers Face Increased Suicide Risk
Category: Health News
Created: 9/29/2008 2:00:00 AM
Last Editorial Review: 9/29/2008

Wrongful death lawsuits against Vioxxs maker, Merck, are expected to increase as the result of the Ernst decision. Personal injury attorneys insist that thousands of former Vioxx users and/or their families are due compensation for Mercks neglect. It remains to be seen if juries will render judgments as large as the Ernst judgment and whether courts will uphold these amounts. Nevertheless, it is certain that Merck is in for a long battle that will reach well beyond its US base.

As potential problems began to surface, they served as red flags to industry watchdogs, to the FDA, as well as to personal injury attorneys who began to gather evidence to show that Merck was negligent. Indeed, web sites and advertising campaigns meant to inform and attract patients harmed by the drug were launched and fairly soon the internet, radio, television, and print media were flooded with advertisements asking those suspecting harm from Vioxx to come forward.

Personal injury attorneys representing clients who have allegedly been harmed by the prescription drug Vioxx are congratulating themselves over a historic judgment rendered recently. On August 19, 2005, a judge awarded the family of Bob Ernst $253.4 million due to his death from the drug. Vioxx, which had been prescribed most often for arthritis pain, was withdrawn globally by its maker, Merck, after research trials showed it increased patients' chances of a heart attack. Although Merck pulled the drug off the market in September 2004, legal action against this leading pharmaceutical giant will continue and expand. Lets take a look at why Vioxx has become a litigation lightning rod.

In 1998 as Merck was running clinical trials for Vioxx, company reports to the FDA stated that there were no cardiovascular signals apparent. This meant that there were no telltale signs that the drug could cause heart problems for users. Later, however, it was revealed that an internal study conducted by Merck around the same time Study 090 revealed serious cardiovascular problems as compared to patients not taking Vioxx. The study was never published by Merck as the company insisted that it was not large enough to provide definitive data.

Vioxx Personal Injury Lawsuits

As early as 2001, the FDA recommended label warnings be put on prescriptions warning users of potential side effects. In addition, Merck was warned by the FDA to quit misleading physicians about potential side effects.

With the September 2004 announcement that Merck was withdrawing Vioxx, personal injury litigation was well on its way to being established. By early 2005, the first cases were filed and the Ernst case became the first Vioxx lawsuit to be settled.

The following year the FDA gave Vioxx its approval and the drug became the second nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory medication [or COX-2 inhibitor] to hit the market. Celebrex, another problem drug, was the first.

allergic sinusitis headache
Treatment of Acute Sinusitis
allergic sinusitis infection
acute sinusitis
allergic sinusitis treaments

Monday, September 29, 2008

Surgery May Not Help Most People With Narrowed Brain Artery

Title: Surgery May Not Help Most People With Narrowed Brain Artery
Category: Health News
Created: 9/26/2008 2:00:00 AM
Last Editorial Review: 9/26/2008

An illness can be caused by pathogens that are bacteria and viruses, which are responsible for causing disease. The infections can attack through different ways such as by inhalation, on an open wound or if you make a contact with mucus membranes of the eyes, nose, or mouth.

Vaccination is the administration of any antigenic material or the vaccine, which is used to produce immunity to a disease. Thus, a vaccine is a medicine that's given to help prevent a disease. Vaccines help the body produce antibodies. These antibodies are helpful to prevent disease.

Is vaccination safe or not?

The main thing, which is associated with vaccination is that, a disease-causing agent is given to a person who is in a killed or weakened form. It is also given in the form of proteins, which are genetically engineered to look like a disease-causing agent in order to stimulate the production of antibodies, which is essential to fight off the disease.

Working rule of vaccination

Vaccination is a way that is used to trigger the body's immune response and this process is done without being sick. The vaccine contains either weak or dead organisms that usually do not cause illness. Our body is able to destroy the pathogen in the vaccine and produce memory cells. When the body develops immunity to a specific pathogen then immunization has occurred.

How illnesses cause?

Generally vaccines have no side effects but some vaccines have minor side effects such as fever, soreness or a lump under the skin.

Vaccinations are double beneficial because whilst they have the potential to prevent illness, they can certainly cause flares of CFS. However, usually this has been on the background of overwhelming stress

If our body is ever exposed to the same pathogen in the future at that time memory cells react quickly without making any trial. The vaccination allows the body to destroy the pathogen efficiently before it can cause illness.

allergic sinusitis
allergic sinusitis treaments
Treatment Methods For Acute Sinusitis
Sinus Headache Symptoms
allergic sinusitis headache

Sunday, September 28, 2008

Hypnosis Cuts Hot Flashes for Breast Cancer Survivors

Title: Hypnosis Cuts Hot Flashes for Breast Cancer Survivors
Category: Health News
Created: 9/26/2008 2:00:00 AM
Last Editorial Review: 9/26/2008

Medical Education As a Career in India - A Goldmine of Opportunity

So, there you have it! Being a doctor in India is what is needed. All macroeconomic numbers are on your side.

Trends and industry facts:

* Today, the Indian healthcare industry is estimated at $35 billion and is slated to grow to $75 billion by 2013.

* To meet the burgeoning demand for healthcare professionals in the country, India is likely to need at least seven million more.

* This is way ahead of retail which stands at 2 million and IT enabled services at 5 million.

* On the other hand, medical professionals will need to serve the medical needs of 1.2 billion by 2015.

* 180 recognized medical colleges in India produce close to 27,000 graduates every year. Approximately, 24,000 doctors are registered with the Medical Council of India (MCI) into the practice every year. This, as is evident, is acutely short of the requirement. (MCI annual report 2006-2007)

* Even by a conservative estimate, India lags behind 0.2 million doctors and 0.5 million nurses currently. This does not even include paramedical and administrative personnel.

* In spite of the need for doctors and the expected growth of this industry, India severely lacks well-equipped training facilities even today.

* Lack of mandated standardization and regulation in the profession has resulted in over 90 per cent of healthcare being serviced by the unorganized sector.

* State wise, there is a big gap in the country between healthcare workers and population. In Uttar Pradesh, the number of doctors per lac population is 23 and the number of nurses per lac population is 9.24. As against this, in Kerala, the number of doctors per lac population is 56.72 and the number of nurses per lac population is 78.41.

Medical Sciences refers to the science of the preservation of health as well as the prevention and treatment of disease. Derived from the Latin ars medicina, "the art of healing Medicine", it is a stream related to health sciences and public life. It is mainly concerned with maintaining or restoring human health through the study, diagnosis, treatment and possible prevention of disease. From time immemorial, this field has been viewed as a prestigious profession.This is one arena where the possibility of research and innovations are never ending. Therefore, it is one of the few professional streams where there is no fear of stagnation.

acute sinusitis Infection
acute sinusitis
allergic sinusitis methods
Treatment of Acute Sinusitis

Saturday, September 27, 2008

Scientists ID Compounds That Prevent Brain Nerve Damage

Title: Scientists ID Compounds That Prevent Brain Nerve Damage
Category: Health News
Created: 9/26/2008 2:00:00 AM
Last Editorial Review: 9/26/2008

What Is Holistic Medicine?

In TCM, the knowledge of how to use ancient medicine is what is old - not the age of the medicines themselves! TCM practitioners usually are schooled in acupuncture and the ancient medicine of herbs. Although it is true that animal parts are used in TCM, including parts of endangered animals, this practice is being stamped out. TCM now concentrates on acupuncture, herbs and exercise systems like tai chi. TCM is used to treat the whole person, not just a one body part.

In old China, doctors were only paid when you were feeling well, and weren't paid when you were sick. That was because doctors wee seen as those who could prevent illness rather than cure illness.

Ancient Medicine Helps Modern Patients

One of the Western doctors who champions a synthesis of ancient medicine with modern medicine is bestselling author Dr. Andrew Weil. He says in many of his writings that the human body has self healing potential untapped in the West. Although he urges people to go to an allopathic (conventional) doctor right away if they develop any sudden or drastic symptom, he also recommends holistic ancient medicine such as TCM to help get you healthy and keep you healthy.

For our ancestors, Nature was the supermarket, pharmacy and school. By observing Nature and making experiments with items found in Nature, our ancestors were able to find medicinal herbs to help cure their ailments. Unfortunately, most of these ancient medicine herbal systems have been lost to time or are being associated with black magic. Fortunately, a couple of the systems have survived and adapted to modern times. One of these systems is called Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM).

In holistic healing, a patient is seen as not a set of symptoms that need curing, but as an entire person. Yes, the symptoms still need relief, but maybe they could be prevented from recurring through lifestyle changes. A holistic doctor, such as a TCM practitioner, spends a lot more time getting to know their patients than an allopathic doctor. What you eat, how you exercise and how you handle stress are all taken into account to help you get better.

Holistic medicine is a drastically different method of healing than the allopathic way of healing that most Westerners are familiar with. With allopathic healing, you only go to the doctor when something is wrong and depend entirely on the doctor's bag of tricks to get you better.

acute sinusitis
acute sinusitis Infection
allergic sinusitis headache
acute sinusitis Infection
acute sinusitis Infection

Moderate Aerobic Exercise Lowers Diabetics' Liver Fat

Title: Moderate Aerobic Exercise Lowers Diabetics' Liver Fat
Category: Health News
Created: 9/26/2008 2:00:00 AM
Last Editorial Review: 9/26/2008

Millions of people suffer from headaches. This often causes missed work days. less productive days, and less enjoyable days. Migraine is a specific intracranial vascular headache. Many use the term mistakenly to describe other types of headaches. There are many other causes of headache and many of these can be caused by nerve dysfunction.

Migraine - Or is Nerve Damage Causing Your Headache?

Another nerve that can cause problem is compression of the ethmoid nerve in the sinuses. An ear nose and throat doctor can diagnosis this problem by seeing if the patient has tenderness when using the instrument commonly used to explore the sinuses.

Another type of neuralgia that can be found involves the supraorbital nerve and can be caused by a head hitting a windshield or a punch to the front of the head. Treatment and diagnosis involves injection of local anesthetic with steroid. The headache can sometimes take years before it starts to present problems.

Nerve problems causing headaches are different than migraines and need to be treated as such. Diagnosis is made by injection of local anesthetic into the nerve that seems to be the problem. Treatment is directed at reversing the underlying pathology. Entrapments are treated with injectable anti inflammatory medications. Always remember you can't treat what you can't diagnosis. Patients as well as doctors need to be proactive in finding a potential source for chronic headaches.

The occipital nerve is a large nerve in the neck. It can be damaged by such things as whiplash injuries and improper patient positioning during oral surgery. Occipital neuralgia causes pain in the back of the head but this can be referred to other areas. This is because the ganglion interconnects with the trigeminal ganglion in the brain stem. Throbbing is often associated with this type of headache because of proximity to the occipital artery.

The auriculotemporal nerve is located near the ear and the top of the jaw on both sides. Common headaches with problems to this nerve are temple headaches. This nerve is commonly damaged in TMJ surgery. it is usually pounding because it is near the temporal artery.

treatment methods for allergic sinusitis
allergic sinusitis methods
Treatment Methods For Acute Sinusitis
acute sinusitis

Friday, September 26, 2008

Boomers Should Add Muscle Before It's Too Late

Title: Boomers Should Add Muscle Before It's Too Late
Category: Health News
Created: 9/25/2008 2:00:00 AM
Last Editorial Review: 9/25/2008

However, several approaches used as chronic sinusitis treatment have been able to come up over the years. One of these approaches is the use of home remedies. Using sea water being one of the home remedies approaches to treat this type of sinusitis has proven to be effective enough. This is due to the fact that, the salt contained in the water is strong enough to drain out all the water molecules from the bacteria causing the infection through a process known as Osmosis thus killing these bacteria and in the process bringing an end to the infection. The sea water can be put to use through the use of droppers to insert the water inside the nostrils or by taking a swim in the ocean something that is widely perceived to be the safest as opposed to getting the sea water inside the nostrils through droppers.Another home remedy is to drink hot liquids such as hot chicken soup throughout the day. By doing this, you help moisturize your cilia inside the nostrils which in turn increase their movement and the result of this is, mucus in the air passages is washed away leaving behind a clear air pathway which makes it easy for the patient to breathe.

The second approach that can be used to act as a chronic sinusitis treatment is the use of medicines.Many a times, doctors are made to prescribe these drugs to their patients after conducting a sufficient diagnosis.Medicines such as antibiotics are often used to treat this infection due to the fact that, they help hinder the formation of the outer cell structure of bacteria.Without their outer cell structures, bacteria cannot survive hence the infection being treated. A common type of antibiotics being used as a chronic sinusitis treatment is the Amoxillin antibiotic which can easily be purchased over the counter from any pharmacy.Other medicinal approaches include the use of antihistamines such as Claritin and Allegra to block the action of histamine in the body.Once these antihistamines have been consumed, a drowsy effect is usually felt by the patient and so he or she is always advised not to drive or operate any kind of machinery while on this medication.

When this takes place, histamine being one of the body compounds, gets a chance to be produced and subsequently, it reacts with the cells found on the surfaces of sinus linings. When this reaction occurs, the cells get damaged and in turn, the lining is forced to swell up causing an air obstruction in the process. When air is prevented from reaching the sinus cavity, it makes it difficult for bacteria in the nostrils from being destroyed by the oxygen present in the air. As a consequence, the bacteria multiply in huge numbers and inflame the paranasal sinuses which in the end cause sinusitis to occur. When this incident happens to a person who may at the time be suffering from an immunodeficiency disease such as AIDS or Diabetes, the infection takes longer to heal and the person is said to be suffering from chronic sinusitis.

Chronic Sinusitis Treatment is Available For All

For cases where by this infection has been caused by structural abnormalities such as the presence of polyps (little growths found in the nostrils) or having a deviated septum (a bony partition dividing the two nasal air pathways), surgery is usually considered to be the best approach to act as a the chronic sinusitis treatment. For children, removal of the adenoids said to be the main air obstructors is usually the main target by surgeons since it has always been seen to be the effective way to treat this condition. On the other hand, the removal of polyps in adults is believed to the ideal surgical treatment for them.To reduce chances of contracting this infection, always avoid areas that are full of allergens such as dusty places.

acute sinusitis Infection
allergic sinusitis headache
allergic sinusitis infection
Blood Pressure Headache May Be Sinus
allergic sinusitis

Thursday, September 25, 2008

Health Highlights: Sept. 23, 2008

Title: Health Highlights: Sept. 23, 2008
Category: Health News
Created: 9/24/2008 2:00:00 AM
Last Editorial Review: 9/24/2008

In the U.S. alone this includes about 70 million people who suffer from sinus disease, asthma, allergies, reflux diseases GERD and LRPD, as well as sleep problems like snoring and sleep apnea. Dr. Josephson believes that all these problems can be related for the simple reason that they all are associated with parts of the body which are directly connected together in the upper and lower respiratory and digestive systems. This is an interesting concept and is explained clearly and thoroughly in the early chapters of the book. Dr. Josephson discusses the symptoms of all these maladies and then offers a CAID test, which helps the reader understand which branch of CAID is causing his problems. He explains symptoms and possible treatment options in great detail for the various limbs of CAID, sinus disease, allergies, asthma, GERD and LPRD, and sleep disorders such as snoring and sleep apnea.

Book Review of "Sinus Relief Now" by Dr. Jordan Josephson- Part 1

4. Dr. Josephson says that smokers with CAID problems simply must quit. He has some appreciation of the difficulty of quitting, however, and offers some guidelines for that as well.

1. Dr. Josephson is a sinus sufferer himself. He has undergone sinus surgery, uses the therapies he recommends, and knows the feeling. I got the feeling when reading the book that this person has gone through some of the same pain I have experienced.

When I first started seeing an ENT specialist years ago for my sinus problems, I purchased a couple of books on the subject of sinusitis. When I mentioned this to my doctor and asked a couple of questions that showed a bit more knowledge of the subject than most people had, he frowned and had a worried look on his face. He then commented that having only a little bit of knowledge was dangerous. I therefore appreciated the comments by Dr. Josephson in his new book entitled Sinus Relief Now- The Groundbreaking 5 Step Program for Sinus, Allergy, and Asthma Sufferers. He stated: If your physician responds negatively to your newfound knowledge or is obviously uncomfortable working with a patient who is well educated about his or her disease, its another clear signal that its time to move on (and find another doctor). I wish I had had this advice at that time, as the doctor eventually performed my first sinus surgery, caused me immense pain, and he didnt improve my situation at all.

There are a number of things I was pleased to see in Sinus Relief Now:

2. Dr. Josephson strongly emphasizes the use of nasal irrigation. He uses a sinus irrigation device every day, as do I. He also talks about using a neti pot for sinus irrigation, but Ive used both and find the irrigator much more effective. I personally would not even recommend the neti pot method.

It should be mentioned at this point that Dr. Josephson is a well known and highly regarded ENT specialist and surgeon. He has several times been on New York magazines Best Doctors list. He has been an expert commentator on many local and national television programs, and he is the Director of the New York Nasal and Sinus Center. I personally believe this book should be part of the home library of anyone who suffers from what Dr. Josephson calls CAID, or Chronic Airway-Digestive Inflammatory Disease.

3. Dr. Josephson is a surgeon, and he pushes for a very conservative approach regarding turbinates. In the past many surgeons routinely cut out parts or even most of the turbinates in people. In recent years it is becoming apparent that this can have disastrous effects on patients over time, and there are many horror stories to read at the forum of the ENS Association web site. ENS stands for Empty Nose Syndrome, which is the term coined for this condition.

Treatment Methods For Acute Sinusitis
allergic sinusitis infection
allergic sinus
allergic sinusitis
Treatment of Acute Sinusitis

Family History Key Player in Brain Cancer Risk

Title: Family History Key Player in Brain Cancer Risk
Category: Health News
Created: 9/23/2008 2:00:00 AM
Last Editorial Review: 9/23/2008

Accidents Happen

Well, I suppose that I must apologize for my most unexpected hiatus as I now have many readers anxious to read my weekly column on various health issues. As ironic as it may be, as I run a rather successful balance center, the reason for my hiatus was from a fall. I had broken my ankle tearing all of the connecting ligaments in an accidental fall, which occurred while I was watering plants in my family room. I had apparently spilled some of the water on the floor, which I later slipped on causing the injuries. So in addition to my apologies for missing several weeks of writing to you, why do I bring this up? Simple.

The lesson to be learned here is how quickly accidents can happen. Now in my case, I practice what I preach and check myself regularly for fall risk, something that takes less than a minute with the computerized equipment we use in my laboratory. However, many more people will incur injuries such as mine, which will be more than purely accidental, attributable to an untreated balance problem, making accidents like mine somewhat inevitable. This concerns me greatly having gone through this, as it is certainly no fun being incapacitated and completely reliant on others for a length of time. And the lower the level of health you are in, or the more complicating factors you have, such as diabetes, the longer that period of time will be. To complicate matters even further, many people with disturbed balance, think that they are normal because they have no way to determine otherwise without being tested. In light of this endemic disabling problem, we screen as many individuals as we can get though our doors, for free, each day.

acute sinusitis Infection
acute sinusitis Infection
allergic sinusitis treaments
allergic sinusitis methods
allergic sinusitis methods

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Low Thyroid Function Linked to Heart Failure Risk

Title: Low Thyroid Function Linked to Heart Failure Risk
Category: Health News
Created: 9/23/2008 2:00:00 AM
Last Editorial Review: 9/23/2008

In Seattle, a 9 year old girl named Ashley is affected by a disease called static encephalopathy. This disease confines Ashley to her bed, not allowing her to walk, talk, or move her own body. She is fed through a tube and has brain growth resembling that of a 3 year old.

The parents say that critics statements such as; the treatment was only done for their convenience, is what bothers them the most. The parents wrote on their website, Ashley's biggest challenges are her comfort and boredom. [The treatment] goes right to the heart of these challenges and we strongly believe that it will mitigate them in a significant way and for the rest of her life.

The parents have since launched a website in defense of their decision. They state on their website, "Ashley has not shown material progress in her mental ability since she was three months of age, she is dependent on us in every way (including position change in bed), she can't hold a toy, and we're not sure she even recognizes us."

Ashleys parents decided on the growth attenuation in hopes that they would be able to provide a higher quality of life for their daughter. They were afraid that as Ashley got older and grew larger, that they would not be able to provide the same quality of care as they do now. Although they state that their decision was based solely on the attempt to give their daughter a better life, many advocates argue that the treatment was a violation of her personal dignity and defies the medical oath.

Controversial Treatment Gives Patient Higher Quality of Life but Takes Away Self Dignity

allergic sinus
allergic sinusitis headache
allergic sinusitis
Sinus Headache Symptoms
Sinus Headache Symptoms

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Acupuncture Cuts Ails of Breast Cancer Drugs

Title: Acupuncture Cuts Ails of Breast Cancer Drugs
Category: Health News
Created: 9/22/2008
Last Editorial Review: 9/22/2008

Lily Bulb is the common name of the Chinese medicine called Bai He Gu Jin Tang. This one's very effective for dry cough. It can also provide relief for the dryness of the nose and the throat. It is also the cure for conditions like wheezing, bronchitis, pharyngitis, night sweats, sore throat, hot palms, and hot soles.

Lonicera Forsythia, or more commonly referred to as Yin Qiao Jie Du Pian in Chinese, is an herbal remedy that is very useful in combating the symptoms and effects of coughs. These are herbs that are usually sold in the form of a pill so they are much easier to take. Four pills 2 to 3 times a day is the recommended dosage. The therapy is supposed to be taken in a span of three days only. Medications using lonicera forsythia Chinese tablets should be stopped after the third day. Lonicera forsythia also has some detoxifying effects on the body.

Using Chinese herbs for coughs have long been used in the Eastern region. The effectiveness of these herbs has already been proven. Just make sure that you consult a licensed Chinese medicine practitioner for proper guidance and dosage.

These five herbs are the ones commonly used to fight off coughs. In a clinical study, women who started to take these herbs as a drug to cure coughs report fewer problems that to those who are not taking any medicines at all. These herbs are also more effective to older people ages 35 years old and above.

Natural Cure for Cough with Lonicera Forsythia

Er Chen Tang is another Chinese medicine you can use to treat excessive coughing. This is most effective for coughs caused by white phlegm. Damp or phlegm that accumulates in the stomach and the lungs is the main cause of coughs in most individuals. This Chinese herb is so popular and effective that it has been used as the foundation of a lot of other medicines and formulas for cough.

Biao Men Dong is another Chinese herb that can be used for coughs and colds. This herb can be obtained from the roots of the She Xu tree. It is very effective in stopping the main cause of cough while strengthening, releasing, and nourishing heat inside the body.

Chinese medicines are widely used in the East for a lot of diseases. Common ailments such as coughs and colds are no exception. There will always be Chinese herbs that can effectively cure usual health concerns such as these. There are different types of cough. Some are due to phlegm while others are caused by certain irritants.

Mulberry blend is a Chinese medicine for coughs that works to release the heat trapped inside the body. It also moistens the lungs to avoid violent contractions. When the herb works this way, cough is relieved easily and effectively. Mulberry blend is the best solution for dry coughs. In capsule form, four pills thrice daily is the recommended dosage.

The Chinese herb Radix Platycodi is one popular herb that can expel pus from the lungs. Pus or pleghm is the main reason why a person keeps coughing. The roots of Radix Platycodi are especially prepared to make a concoction that can help treat cough fast.

Herbal Treatment for Cough with Mulberry Blend

More Chinese Medicines:

Cure Cough With Chinese herbs Fangfeng, chuanbie, gancao, jiegeng, and balibu

The Ding Chuan Tang formula is the one used for coughs associated with phlegm and wheezing. Use this for chronic and acute bronchitis for best effects. It is also good for asthma and coughs caused by allergies such as pollution, dirt, and smoke.

Chuan Bei Pi Pa Gao is also known as the Fritillaria Loquat syrup. This is a long-established Chinese medicine for coughs. It works by moistening the lungs to help loosen up phlegm. This medicine clears the heat in the lungs and dampens it to stop coughing altogether.

Treatment Methods For Acute Sinusitis
acute sinusitis Infection
acute sinusitis
treatment methods for allergic sinusitis
allergic sinusitis methods

Monday, September 22, 2008

Acupuncture Cuts Ails of Breast Cancer Drugs

Title: Acupuncture Cuts Ails of Breast Cancer Drugs
Category: Health News
Created: 9/22/2008
Last Editorial Review: 9/22/2008

Propranolol (trade name, Inderal), a beta-blocker, is a familiar medication used for high blood pressure, angina, heart diseases, tremor and a variety of nervous symptoms. Its major effects slow the heartbeat and reduce blood pressure. It works by counteracting adrenalin. It also apparently counters the adrenalin effect on memory in the brain, which seems to take the sting out of fearful memories.

This is not the only way to do it. The proper use of hypnosis can construct the narrative. Art therapy can do it by drawing the story as a series of scenes with a beginning, middle, and end. So-called parts work can do it by dialogue and negotiation with inner dissociated parts of the self that continue to experience the traumatic memory as unfinished and always present. Even so, there are individuals who would benefit from medication effects that render the traumatic memories less vehement.

Researchers at Harvard University are testing the Memory Pill featured on 60 Minutes November 26, 2006. Their hypothesis: propranolol neutralizes the emotional pain of traumatic memories, even those laid down many years ago. This would relieve the immense emotional burdens of millions who suffer the consequences of combat trauma, traumatic accidents, illnesses, or abuse in childhood or as adults.

In the lab subjects experience a structured containment for their phobic anxiety and the calming effect of the propranolol counteracts their trauma phobia. The medication thus makes it possible to construct a narrative of the trauma that allows the memory to finally come to closure and be experienced as fully past-tense and over with.

The Memory Pill for Treatment of Post Traumatic Stress Disorder

People taking propranolol regularly for the usual reasons dont notice any change in their response to fearful memories but the laboratory subjects go through certain steps that produce a special experience. They tell and write out the story of their traumatic experience from beginning to end and they note the intensity of their feelings. They agreed to do this when they enrolled in the study so they are prepared to endure the reactivated emotion. With a net of wires attached to their bodies to measure physiological changes they tell the story and write it out in full detail.

acute sinusitis
allergic sinus
Blood Pressure Headache May Be Sinus
acute sinusitis Infection
acute sinusitis

Antibiotics for Preterm Labor Linked to Cerebral Palsy

Title: Antibiotics for Preterm Labor Linked to Cerebral Palsy
Category: Health News
Created: 9/19/2008 2:00:00 AM
Last Editorial Review: 9/19/2008

Tricyclic antidepressants are a type of antidepressant that has been used since the mid 1900s. Today, there are more than 30 different types of tricyclic antidepressants that are commonly used in cases of attention-deficit hyperactive disorder (ADHD) and depression. The antidepressant works by changing the way that certain neurotransmitters function in the brain in order to alter a person's mood. Many depression cases have been successfully treated while using tricyclic antidepressants, but this does not mean it is the right for everyone. There are other types of antidepressants a patient can try if this type isn't right for them.

Tricyclic Antidepressants

Tricyclic antidepressants are simply a tool used to help the patient through their therapy. They are not meant as a permanent fix to the patient's depression. Instead, the antidepressants help the patient to calm down and/or open up about what might be putting them into their depression. To find out more about this type of antidepressant, an individual can contact an online therapist or counselor who would be more than happy to answer any questions the person may have. The online therapist can help the individual to understand what this type of antidepressant can do to help relieve their depression, and can also provide any therapy or counseling the person may need. In fact, online therapy is becoming a more popular resource all the time because it can be accessed from the comfort of one's home. The long and possibly uncomfortable wait in the waiting room is gone, and there is no need for the patient to have to take a significant amount of time out of their day to go see a therapist in person; instead, they can arrange a time to contact the therapist online from their home or office and get the answers and help they require.

allergic sinusitis infection
allergic sinusitis headache
Sinus Headache Symptoms
allergic sinusitis treaments
allergic sinusitis

Sunday, September 21, 2008

Mom's Diet Can Alter Genes to Raise Babies' Asthma Risk

Title: Mom's Diet Can Alter Genes to Raise Babies' Asthma Risk
Category: Health News
Created: 9/19/2008 2:00:00 AM
Last Editorial Review: 9/19/2008

Irritable bowel syndrome can be a nightmareconstant diarrhea and terrible stomach pains, or unbelievable constipation and never-ending gas. While its good to stay positive and keep looking for help, sometimes its even better to just have a good old moan!

"I am 12 years old and last year I found out I had IBS. It stinks because I have to go to the doctor more than all my friends and I have to go to Wisconsin children's hospital every month or so. I have REALLY BAD days and I can have GREAT days but the bad ones are hard to deal with. I HATE IBS and I wish I never got it!"

Top Ten Reasons Why We Hate IBS!

"Eating becomes something I must plan for fear of making a run for the bathroom immediately after (or even during) a meal.

"I am usually constipated, but when I have to go there's no stopping me. One of these unstoppable occurrences happened the day of the Chicago marathon this year - and I was a participant. During my 18-week training program, I would often think that "it" could happen that day, but simply hoped it would not. Well, it did and it truly was unstoppable. It was so angering after such long, hard training. I finished the race, but not happy with my time or my comfort."

"Walking through Wal-Mart...your heart beating faster as you approach the restroom...Will I make it in time? Only to the see the "closed" when you arrive. That horrible moment when you know you have to find a place to relieve yourself quickly or it will be the most embarrassing moment of your life."

"Other people are sick for a week and they get fussed over, food made for them, blankets brought to them, and generally an amazing amount of sympathy. I'm sick for years and years and somehow I'm less deserving than they are. Is that because I'm making it up? Or because IBS isn't real? Or I should just snap out of it?"

"I hate IBS because people think you are just a worrier looking for sympathy, and that you could just ignore it, haha."

So, without further ado, I would like to present the top 10 reasons why we all hate IBS. These quotes have all come from genuine IBS sufferers.

"The pain is usually so intense that focus on school or work becomes impossible! There are many days and weeks that I spend curled up in a ball because the pain is so bad."

"I am sick of living with constant fear and never being able to plan anything in advance. My long-suffering husband has to book holidays as late as possible, cancel theatre trips, and always go for aisle seats or none at all. I'd just for once like to say "Yes, I will definitely be able to go that day" and do it."

"I can really identify with this list of how "I hate IBS" because basically it has ruined my life the past year. I have lost a job, a house, most of my family and friends due to this crippling "so-called disease" that NOBODY UNDERSTANDS. If I appear angry that is because I am, terribly so. I also have crippling migraines and I am going for surgery for a severe carpal tunnel problem. I live in chronic pain in the left side of my pelvis. It has made life very difficult to say the least."

allergic sinus
acute sinusitis Infection
acute sinusitis
treatment methods for allergic sinusitis
treatment methods for allergic sinusitis

Saturday, September 20, 2008

Health Tip: Good Scents During Pregnancy

Title: Health Tip: Good Scents During Pregnancy
Category: Health News
Created: 9/19/2008 2:00:00 AM
Last Editorial Review: 9/19/2008

The original oath of a medical doctor is also called to be a Hippocratic Oath. It is believed to be written by Hippocrates, the father of medicine during the fourth century BC. Even today, this oath was still considered as a rite of passage for practitioners to enter the medical world. As our world evolves, several version of this oath was created. The classical version was introduced, and modern versions and alternatives are also made. In spite of all the changes, the main content or the idea that doctor should fulfill their responsibility to promote human health was maintained. Some other medical practices that are contrary to public morals and conducts such as abortion and euthanasia are forbidden.

Oath of a Medical Doctor

Nowadays, that medical malpractices are recurring from day to day, a reminder of this oath should be made to everyone on the medical industry. It is very important for them to realize the real essence of the oath of a medical doctor so that they can efficiently do what are expected from them.

Gary Pearson is an accomplished niche website developer and author.

allergic sinusitis headache
Treatment Methods For Acute Sinusitis
acute sinusitis Infection
acute sinusitis Infection
allergic sinusitis treaments

School-Based Efforts Boost Kids' Fruit, Vegetable Intake

Title: School-Based Efforts Boost Kids' Fruit, Vegetable Intake
Category: Health News
Created: 9/19/2008 2:00:00 AM
Last Editorial Review: 9/19/2008

With todays busier society, our house-cleaning standard have plummeted. We also have become a generation of 'couch potatoes'...spending over 95% of our time indoors. Our homes are tightly insulated and limit ventilation of household irritants such as mold, smoke and chemicals.

3) Use non-toxic cleaning products instead of store bought chemical brands. All cleaning products are eventually inhaled or absorbed into the skin. Do you really want to clean with even a 'little bit' of poison?

1) Never allow smoking in the home. Smoke will remain in an indoor environment for up to 10 years, even though you can no longer see or smell it.

There are five simple things that can be done to reduce allergy symptoms and possibly reduce the use of allergy medications.

Childhood Asthma - Getting Your Child Off Allergy Medications

He also may not know that asthma claims more lives every year even though more treatments are available. It is a fact that there are over 3 million more Americans with asthma than there were 10 years ago.
Why the rise in asthma and allergies?

5) Make sure humidity levels in the home don't go over 45%. Humidifiers attached to the furnace are more reliable than freestanding ones. Humidifiers with damp filters in them can be a mold breeding area.

Avoiding Allergy Medications With Children

A child with asthma and allergies may not know that asthma and allergies is the number #1 chronic childhood disease.

Deborah Mumm has been in the Indoor Air industry since 1996. She has written various articles on asthma, allergies

4) Do not let pets into the bedrooms. All pets have dander and it can be an allergen. Children spend around 8 hours in the bedroom at night. Keep it as allergy free as possible.

It is important to try to create a clean healthy environment for your child so he can breathe easy and not have to rely on allergy medications which can have negative side effects.

This all results in increased exposure to allergens. And
allergens are the number one cause of allergy and asthma attacks. Allergy medications are being used on a daily basis as a way to control allergies & asthma. With children prevention of allergies is far better than taking allergy medications.

acute sinusitis
allergic sinusitis methods
allergic sinusitis
allergic sinusitis
treatment methods for allergic sinusitis

Friday, September 19, 2008

Pregnant Mom's Flu Shot Protects Baby

Title: Pregnant Mom's Flu Shot Protects Baby
Category: Health News
Created: 9/18/2008
Last Editorial Review: 9/18/2008

How To Treat Sinus Infection

Other remedies include eating jalapeo peppers, intake of ripe grapes' juice, application of a paste of cinnamon with water or dry ginger with water etc. But, while on one hand, these home remedies can help in reducing the pain and discomfort, on the other, these can not cure the infection.

All in all, how to treat sinus infection is a question that has multiple answers to it but only one thing, i.e prevention, is the most effective treatment against sinus infection!

Treatment of sinus infections differ according to the type of infection. Sinus infections can be classified into three categories, depending on the duration of occurrence, namely - acute infection (lasting up to three weeks); chronic infection (lasting 3-8 weeks, or even more); and recurring infection which refers to the frequent sinus attacks in the duration of one year.

There are numerous options available for treating sinus infections. Decongestants and sprays available in the market can provide relief from the pain. But they come with a glitch - they can not be used for chronic sinus infections. They are effective only if used for a few days. Nasal rinses with salt-water solution, mucolytic agents, steroids are some of the other possible treatments.

A daily intake of vitamin C acts as a preventive measure against the pain caused by sinus. Staying away from pollutants that can cause sinus allergy also acts as a deterrent. In the same light, protecting oneself against cold is also a measure to treat sinus infection as cold can aggravate the sinusitis.

To treat sinus infection, some home remedies can also prove beneficial. These home remedies range from inhaling steam from a vaporizer to keeping the body hydrated by drinking hot tea and other hot liquids. However, coffee is not that effective in reducing pain, though it is warm, as it contains caffeine.

acute sinusitis
Treatment Methods For Acute Sinusitis
allergic sinusitis methods
Treatment of Acute Sinusitis
acute sinusitis Infection

Thursday, September 18, 2008

Health Tip: Prevent Ear Pain in Flight

Title: Health Tip: Prevent Ear Pain in Flight
Category: Health News
Created: 9/17/2008 2:00:00 AM
Last Editorial Review: 9/17/2008

I thought it was another crackpot cure, but eventually I decided to try it. She had told me that pre-ground flaxseed didn't work because flax seed starts to oxidize as soon as you grind it and that whole flax seeds are no good either, because they cannot be digested properly. After years of IBS, in about two weeks it just went away. I cannot believe that I now have perfectly normal, regular bowel movements.

Daniel believes that his symptoms are related to his emotions and stress: I thought that when I was stuck on the toilet, experiencing the most severe cramps, thinking I was about to pass out from the pain, feeling like I was about to throw up, I was the only one. I'm still trying to work it out but I believe it has a lot to do with my psychological state. I say this because although I don't get too stressed out at any one moment, I do have general worries about money and life. I tend to find when I'm not worrying about these things I don't get the pain as much, if at all.


It's easier said than done of course, I can't just stop worrying about money or my future, but being aware of these things seems to help - being optimistic and knowing that everything is only temporary. I have been taking Colpermin (peppermint capsules) as a preventative which often helps and for a while I took painkillers which I think helped.

Stress and IBS

Some nutritionists believe that IBS sufferers intestines react differently to soluble and insoluble fiber, and this has been Stus experience: After trying all kinds of drugs and healthy eating, my pains were still there. I found by accident that it wasn't so much what I ate but whether I ate it on a full stomach or not. My failsafe is pasta on an empty stomach, I get no reaction - it is soluble fibre that settles the colon apparently. I quickly searched on the internet for recipes high in soluble fibre and I have improved.

If you have been diagnosed with irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), you will know how difficult it is to treat. Doctors can be dismissive of IBS symptoms such as diarrhea, constipation and bloating, and when treatment is offered it may only help for a short while before the distressing symptoms return.

Most significantly though I am on no medication and this puts me in control of the IBS, not the other way around. I think this is important as stress certainly can trigger the symptoms off. I don't avoid insoluble fibre as it is essential for the body, but I recommend that you eat it on a full stomach.

Pam, who struggles with constipation, has developed a combination of things which work for her: I drink Metamucil (psyllium fibre) every day and try to relax, pray or meditate, even do a little yoga. The more I make myself relax and take time to de-stress the better I can manage my problem. I know time for yourself is very hard to come by sometimes but I have to if I'm going to manage this. I try to drink at least three bottles of water a day. This is also hard sometimes but I have to take care of me the best I can. I also take a mild anti-depressant. This has helped a bunch in my stress department and in turn has helped my IBS.

Laura describes how a close examination of her diet helped her IBS: I was placed on every kind of medication, and sometimes they worked in the short term, sometimes they didn't work at all. The doctor finally suggested trying to alter my diet in cycles, and we discovered that eating meat was my problem. I became a vegetarian and no longer have constant problems. Sometimes I even go years without any pain at all. It's worth all the effort you put into it when you finally feel better.

Fiber, water and yoga

Watching your diet is sometimes not enough to completely control the symptoms, and natural or herbal supplements can help, as Marion discovered: After about six months of a horrendously restrictive diet (ultra low-fat vegan with no raw veggies or fruit except banana) and a lot of Metamucil, I managed to get it sort of under control. But if I deviated from the diet, the chronic diarrhea would come back. Someone I met told me that she had helped her IBS by taking a tablespoon of freshly ground flaxseed with a glass of water or juice every morning.

All the self-help tips in this article have come from IBS sufferers who have found a way to control their irritable bowels. Before trying any form of self-help, please make sure that you have your doctors approval, and do check that anything you try will not interfere with any medication you are taking.

Digestive enzymes and probiotics

Calcium tablets

If you suffer from constipation rather than diarrhea, you could try magnesium supplements instead, as these can have a slight laxative effect.

Sufferers often find that they have to deal with the symptoms themselves, through self-help methods and supplements, rather than by using conventional medicines. However, this does not mean that there is no hope of improvement. By sharing their experiences, sufferers can learn a lot about what really helps to ease IBS.

Looking at your diet

Linda, who suffers from severe diarrhea, says: What has helped me for more than two years is calcium carbonate, an over-the-counter supplement. I take three tablets a day, one at each meal. The most success has come from using any formula of calcium supplement that is like Caltrate 600 Plus with vitamin D and minerals. The only side effect is at the beginning of taking the calcium you may have some gas or indigestion, but this usually goes away after taking a regular dose for a few days.

Soluble versus insoluble fiber

Irritable Bowel Syndrome: Simple Self-Help Tips

Kim, who also suffers from bad diarrhea, says: I tried taking digestive enzymes with acidophilus and found significant relief within three days. I am not afraid to eat now, but find that I still cannot eat very much refined sugar or high fibre vegetables. I have also added a cup or two per day of peppermint and chamomile tea. When I do have an episode it occurs late in the day and by the next morning I am feeling back to normal.

allergic sinusitis treaments
allergic sinusitis
allergic sinus
Treatment Methods For Acute Sinusitis
allergic sinusitis

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Estrogen Cream No Match for Sun-Damaged Skin

Title: Estrogen Cream No Match for Sun-Damaged Skin
Category: Health News
Created: 9/17/2008 2:00:00 AM
Last Editorial Review: 9/17/2008

The most common side effects of fluoroquinolones are nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea, which occur in 3-6% of patients. Other side effects include headache, confusion, and dizziness, phototoxicity and cardiotoxicity. Most of them have interactions with warfarin (Coumadin), a medication used to decrease blood clotting. They also require dosage adjustment in patients with kidney disease. Animal studies show that quinolones can have effects on cartilage in young animals; these drugs are therefore not recommended for children. Related to this, quinolones have been associated with the development of joint pain and even tendon rupture.

The fluoroquinolones are the most commonly used antibiotics today and are potentially very toxic. For example, amongst women with a new onset bladder infection, only 37% were given the preferred treatment, which is Septra, while 32% were given Cipro. In addition, most women were treated for a week or more, while the preferred treatment is only three days. Cipro is the most complained about medication on the web site www.askthepatient.com, where patients log on their reactions to different medications. Cipro and all of the fluoroquinolones can cause damage to cartilage, leading to pain in the joints that could last for years, and even rupture of the tendons.

The fluoroquinolone antibiotics, which include drugs like Cipro, were first introduced in the 1980s. They inhibit DNA gyrase, an enzyme needed for bacterial DNA replication and therefore bacterial cell replication. Fluoroquinolones are used for lower respiratory tract infections, especially in the treatment of infections caused by methicillin-sensitive or resistant staphylococci, Pseudomonas and intracellular organisms.

Quinolone Antibiotic Medications Have Some Nasty Side Effects

Bottom line is these drugs are to be avoided unless absolutely indicated.

acute sinusitis
acute sinusitis
Sinus Headache Symptoms
allergic sinus
acute sinusitis Infection

Immune System Biomarkers May Predict Early Lung Cancer

Title: Immune System Biomarkers May Predict Early Lung Cancer
Category: Health News
Created: 9/16/2008 2:00:00 AM
Last Editorial Review: 9/16/2008

How to Decide on Medical Treatment - 4 Questions to Ask Your Doctor

1. Based on my diagnosis: why are you suggesting this medication/treatment plan?
Every person is different and so is your disease process. You're asking your doctor/healthcare partner to explain why out of the myriad of options why did they choose this particular option. Most doctors will tell you that this is the "gold standard" of treatment. The "gold standard" is the term used for the treatment use as a first line of defense based on cumulative data.

It would be wonderful if everything could be healed with over-the-counter remedies, but that's not the case. Scientists have spent countless hours and billions of dollars working on treatments that will restore your health. We have to remember that every treatment has a price both literally and figuratively. When making decisions about your healthcare following a life-altering health diagnosis; consider asking the following questions as part of your dialog with the doctor.

3. What's the efficacy rate of the treatment?
The efficacy rate is the success rate of a medication or treatment protocol. Keep in mind the doctor is working of statistics, but that's the most conclusive data available. You may ask the question and frame it in a way that you ask the doctor "within your practice what has been the efficacy rate with the prescribed treatment plan?" Once you have the information you can decide whether to proceed or seek out other options.

These questions are only suggestions and not the only deciding factors when choosing a treatment options. The important thing is to keep the dialog with your doctor open and honest. Limiting surprises in treatment will be comforting and will empower you to move forward on your journey to wellness.

At this point gather the information and have a candid discussion with those close to you. Remember that your illness will impact them as well and if they need to support you they should know what that will entail. Getting their support will help you choose a more aggressive form of treatment that will have more prominent side effects, but if it saves your life that's a trade-off many are willing to make.

2. What are the pros and cons of treatment?
It's crucial to understand that depending on your diagnosis and prognosis, no treatment is considered a treatment option. Remember that doctors take an oath to "do no harm". Think holistically when having this conversation. Consider how the treatment will impact your life. Once you have the information it's important to look at the list and decide the concessions you're willing to make.

The "gold standard" has been proven to be the most effective, but you want to know are all your test results and exam findings in alignment with the data recommending this particular treatment. Don't leave things to chance. It's important for the doctor to understand that you're not challenging their competence, but trying to get a handle on the details of your specific diagnosis.

You've had symptoms and after a period of time trying to remedy the situation you decide to go to the doctor. Upon closer inspection the doctor begins asking questions, conducting a physical exam and will probably order some tests. When the results come back and the doctor completes the equation if you are ill the next chapter in your life begins.

4. What impact on my daily living will I experience?
Every treatment has some side effect. The side effects may be mild or they may be severe. You need to know this ahead of time so that your decision is based on both health and wellness vs. your quality of life.

allergic sinusitis headache
allergic sinus
Treatment of Acute Sinusitis
Sinus Headache Symptoms
allergic sinusitis treaments